Na tuhle hru se těším opravdu hodně!
Hádám že to bude jednička, ovšem dořeší se všechny nedodělávky a trochu se to vylepší. Taky by mohl víc figurovat příběh. Opravdu by to mohla být hra roku ne li desetiletí!!!!
helpo1 wrote:Pochybujem, že to bude väčšmi o príbehu, lebo celá M&B séria je vlastne veľký sandbox. Môže tam byť niekoľko hlavných questov pre frakcie ako v WFaS, ale čisto questovú hru z toho urobiť nemôžu. Kopali by si vlastný hrob.
There's the Vlandians, a tribe whose chieftains have become feudal lords and are renowned for their skills as heavy cavalry. There's the Sturgians, who colonized the forests of the north and specialize in axe- and sword-armed footmen. The Aserai live in the scrubland and desert oases of the south and fight on both horseback and foot. The Khuzaits, a steppe tribe that conquered the trading cities of the east, make heavy use of horse archers. The Battanians meanwhile are skilled in exploiting their native woodlands, and are deadly in ambushes, be it a shower of arrows or a screaming charge out of the trees. The Empire has spent generations honing the arts of combined-arms warfare, with cataphracts, spear formations, and archers all doing their part on the battlefield.
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