[Tool] Diakreion - Announcer / Ohlasovac

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Re: [Tool] Diakreion - Announcer / Ohlasovac

Postby Aeternitas » Sat Nov 23, 2013 5:17 pm

I announce hereby
the version 4.6.0. Infernis of Diakreion,
the Scripting / Modding / Player's tool.


- 1) Diakreion Gothic Music Player updated to v1.4.0 Unhcegila.
- 2) Sounds Player in DGMP updated.

= (Now it is stable. I completely changed the system of player. So the player will
not crash anymore. I also added popup menu to simplify copying the names
into clipboard. It may be useful for Small Game creation.).

- 3) Small Game: Sounds of Gothic (Zvuky Gothicu).
= (It is in fact no game. You just walk around the country of Gothic and
listen to its sounds of beasts, of nature, of people, etc. I made it so one
can simulate the environment of Gothic without having to be in Gothic and
enjoy its atmosphere, while for example you did something else. The automated
walk is therefore activated but you can, of course, move by your own.).

- 4) More features in scripting of Small Games.
= (You can mix all the features from both already made maps, mixing the game
and the sounds. All the new definitions and styles how to do your own map
you can read from the script files of the new map. It is well commented in
code. You can also define there the not-walkable points.).

- 5) Game Score Verifier.
= (Once you get score, you get also a code. On the table of Score there is
Score Verifier.).

- 6) Series of maps.
= (In one script there can be more than one map defined, which will be
automatically executed after the given time. See the script files for more
info. You can make so the day and night maps.).

- 7) Auto start of maps.
= (Possibility of auto-start. So you load the script and the map is automatically

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Re: [Tool] Diakreion - Announcer / Ohlasovac

Postby Aeternitas » Wed Nov 27, 2013 12:34 am

I announce hereby
the version 4.7.0. Tenebrien of Diakreion,
the Scripting / Modding / Player's tool.


- 1) Diakreion Gothic Music Player updated to v1.4.1.
= (I added the Volume feature for the map scripting. Info and instructions how
to use it is in the commented code of script files.).

- 2) Small Game: Sounds of Gothic updated to v1.1.1.
= (I adapted the map to volume feature, so now it is more balanced. I also
added several sounds all around the map, for example sounds of camp into the
camp, sounds of several more beasts, etc.).

- 3) Diakreion VDFS Reader.
= (I made a viewer and extractor of VDF and MOD files in the main application of
Diakreion. It is similar to the viewer in DGMP, it can play the sound or range
of selected sounds or folders. Moreover it also opens TEX, TGA, BMP, JPG and
PNG files, if they are present, in Diakreion Texture Editor. You can use
double click on the item or 'Action' button.).

- 4) Diakreion Library switched to 7-zip format in distribution.
= (No need to download anew.).
- 5) Bug fixes.
= (DGMP Small Game: Dead-player-revives bug fixed. The borders of maps fixed.).
and more.

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Re: [Tool] Diakreion - Announcer / Ohlasovac

Postby Aeternitas » Thu Dec 19, 2013 8:21 pm

I announce hereby
the version 4.8.0. Amphibian of Diakreion,
the Scripting / Modding / Player's tool.


- 1) Diakreion Plugins.
= (Some features might be locked if you are missing some plugins. Plugins are
installed into Diakreion folder, subfolder 'Plugins', just copying them there.
There is no need to restart Diakreion after an installation of a plugin.
In 'Settings' -> 'Plugins' you find the plugins center, where you can
download the plugins over Diakreion. Either one after one, or a chosen one,
or the whole pack. If you are missing a plugin or Library and try a feature,
which needs it, Diakreion offers the possibility of download of such a plugin
or Library.).

- 2) ASCs Plugins.
= (I added the possibility to install ASCs of armors and beasts of Gothic 1 and 2.
The feature is divided into 4 plugins. You find them in upper menu 'Edit' ->

- 3) Diakreion Library is no longer reported at start.
= (For there are also none-modders, who use Diakreion and do not need Diakreion
Library, so I changed the Library to be voluntary only.).

- 4) Diakreion Library updated to 1.1.0.
= (I changed the archives from ZIP to 7Zip. So now is the library smaller a bit.
Therefore Diakreion 480+ is only compatible with Library 1.1+. Older Diakreion
is only compatible with Library 1.0.).

- 5) Diakreion Gothic Music Player updated to v1.4.2.
= (I added the stop-global-sounds-at-a-point feature for the map scripting. So
on some points or rectangles the global sounds may be off. I added Diakreion
Update Checker into DGMP. It checks the version of Diakreion, not of DGMP.).

- 6) Small Game: Sounds of Gothic updated to v1.2.0.
= (I added the stop-global-sounds-at-a-point feature to the map. I added more
sounds all around the map, for example into the cave, on the rocks, on the
meadows, etc.).

- 7) Diakreion 7z.
= (I developed a small application to decompress 7z files. It is internally
used by Diakreion 480 and higher. It can also used manually. Just start it
and drop whatever 7zip files on it. They will be automatically decompressed.).

- 8) FPS Limit Option in Diakreion Gothic Starter.
= (I added this option so to restrict the FPS to 50 if needed. Implicitly it is

and more.

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Re: [Tool] Diakreion - Announcer / Ohlasovac

Postby Aeternitas » Fri Aug 22, 2014 4:19 pm

I announce hereby
the version 4.9.0. Snaefellsian of Diakreion,
the Scripting / Modding / Player's tool.


- 1) Small Changes.
= ('Define Camp' and 'Create NPCs' are no more modal forms.).
- 2) Small Design Changes.
- 3) New Conditions and Multi-Conditions in Dialogs.
- 4) Split Window.

= (You can use additional window, so to have two editable windows on one screen.
Turn it on in 'View'->'Split Window', or you can open a file in Folder View
from popup menu, or you can copy a file from the editor to the Split Window.
The Split Window is resizable and is always deactivated on exit.).

- 5) All Texts In/Export Algorithm Improved.
= (I added support for the function 'PrintScreen'. I also added support for
definitions of strings, that is e.g. const string = "something". I also
changed a bit the algorithm, so to support brackets in strings. Please
retest the algorithm and report if something is wrong.).

- 6) Bug fixes.
and more.

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Re: [Tool] Diakreion - Announcer / Ohlasovac

Postby Aeternitas » Sun Apr 09, 2017 3:41 pm

I announce hereby
the version 5.2.0. Carpathiens of Diakreion,
the Scripting / Modding / Player's tool.


- 1) Dopa Parter, v1.0.2, included and supported.
- 2) Highlighters have now background colors.
- 3) Switching among Gothic installations easier, list of paths saved.
- 4) New popup menu 'Open in Explorer'.
- 5) New popup submenu 'Convert'.

= (PhpBB style sheet table converts to CSS, use carefully.)
- 6) Hint window improved.
- 7) File Info window improved.
- 8) Dialog option 1 added.
- 9) Creation of pickpocket dialog added.
- 10) First line func scan bug fixed.

= (Rescan for definitions.)
- 11) All commands 'Open in Explorer' also select files/folders.
- 12) Search window gets on show selected text.

= (Maximal 19 symbols.)
- 13) After a change to another file, the editing window gets focus.
- 14) Bug fixes.
and more.
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Re: [Tool] Diakreion - Announcer / Ohlasovac

Postby Aeternitas » Sat Jun 17, 2017 5:22 pm

I announce hereby
the version 5.3.0. Ebee of Diakreion,
the Scripting / Modding / Player's tool.


- 1) Code arranger.
= (There is a possibility to arrange code of entire file or selection. If it is
entire file, the program adds spaces before first line according to code
level. Right click on mouse and Specialities.)
- 2) Texture Converter update.
= (Now you can convert already loaded files, too.)
- 3) Check of the editor font on start.
= (If not present, standard font offered for installation.)
- 4) OU Im/Exporter coding fixed and improved.
- 5) Bug fixes.

and more.
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Re: [Tool] Diakreion - Announcer / Ohlasovac

Postby Aeternitas » Sat Jun 22, 2019 11:38 pm

I announce hereby
the version 5.9.1. Archaikum of Diakreion,
the Scripting / Modding / Player's tool.


[New in v5.9.1, Archaikum] - Jun 21, 2019 A.D. - Aeternitas

- 1) Design changes.
- 2) Hint panel upgraded to colorful and clickable.
- 3) The top of Dialog panel can be hidden.
- 4) Environment form improved.
- x) Bug fixes.
and more.


[New in v5.8.0, Hadaikum] - Jun 13, 2019 A.D. - Aeternitas

- 1) Three types of distribution of Diakreion: Basic, Standard and Enterprise.
= (Basic version: just the main program, Diakreion music program, basic files.
Standard version: similar to the distribution of older Diakreions.
Enterprise version: Diakreion with all plugins, library and everything about.
You can choose whatever version you need. The main program is in all three
versions the same.)
- 2) Encoding Tool can take also files.
= (You can choose or drop one file or a folder on encoding tool and
let it be converted.)
- 3) Gothic/Spacer button improved.
- 4) Hint window improved.
- 5) Images on some panels/forms can be turned invisible.
- 6) Environment panel improved.
= (New posibility using memory to bring the color of a colorbox to another colorbox.
There are two buttons by each colorbox. The upper takes the color to memory,
the lower takes color from the memory. There is on the right bottom memory
colorbox, so one can see what is right now in the memory.)
- 7) Design changes.
- x) Bug fixes.
and more.


[New in v5.7.0, Prekambrium] - Jun 6, 2019 A.D. - Aeternitas

- 1) Music and sounds panel improved.
= (I added the possibility to switch between randomly played and played in a row.)
- 2) Files can be generated directly info Gothic folders.
- 3) Possibility of various themes.
= (You can switch between theme files.)
- 4) You can drop folder on Encoding Tool form instead of browsing.
- 5) Encoding tool improved.
- 6) Design changes.
= (The entire Diakreion is now in theme mode.)
- x) Bug fixes.
and more.


[New in v5.6.4, Ultraterra] - Jun 1, 2019 A.D. - Aeternitas

- 1) Music and sounds panel improved.
= (You can gather folders of music files (WAVs and MP3s are supported) into folder
'Diakreion\snd\amb' for ambient musics or 'Diakreion\snd\mus' for background music.
In fact you can create here whatever folders you want. All files will be used
- 2) Design changes.
= (I converted lot of things into theme colors. Unfortunately there are things
which cannot be changed without too deep changes, so they stayed as they are.)
- 3) Fullscreen on one click.
= (By clicking in main menu or using Ctrl+F1 you switch on or off fullscreen.
It is not full fullscreen. Without too much effort I cannot hide main menu
unfortunately. The same click returns the panels and toolbars back into
standard configuration.)
- 4) Encoding conversion tool.
= (By specifying folder, encoding, direction and file type it is possible to
convert all files in such folder and all its subfolders. System files and
hidden files are skipped.)
- 5) Links to external programs.
= (You can set links to some external programs and start them from PROG popup menu.
You can pick any two and exchange them. Ale zou can make lines between linkers.)
- x) Bug fixes.
and more.


[New in v5.5.2, Magicus] - May 24, 2019 A.D. - Aeternitas

- 1) Compiled with Lazarus 2.0.2, FPC 3.0.4.
- 2) New theme configurations.
- 3) New design.
- x) Bug fixes.
and more.


[New in v5.4.1, Nordavind] - May 18, 2019 A.D. - Aeternitas

- 1) Button Gothic changes caption to Spacer if Spacer to be started.
- 2) Last version compiled with Lazarus v1.1.99, FPC 2.6.2.
- x) Bug fixes.
and more.

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Re: [Tool] Diakreion - Announcer / Ohlasovac

Postby Aeternitas » Wed Jun 26, 2019 10:17 pm

I announce hereby
the version 6.0.0. Proterozoikum of Diakreion,
the Scripting / Modding / Player's tool.


[New in v6.0.0, Proterozoikum] - Jun 26, 2019 A.D. - Aeternitas

- 1) Save Encoded and Save As Encoded as the new option.
= (you can specify encoding by saving your file.)
- 2) Some icons changed or added.
- 3) TeX to PDF linker.

= (Path to pdflatex.exe needs to be set. Tested with MikTeX 2.9.
To start conversion go popup menu -> Specialities -> PDF to Tex.
The path is set through Advanced settings.)

- 4) TeX to PDF Trunk.
= (To do PDF out of latex file without headers and with special conditions.
I created it for my own need.)

- 5) Completion window improved.
= (Executed by CTRL+space. Only for D and TeX files. Or if activated in menu.)
- 6) Design changes.
- x) Bug fixes.

and more.

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Re: [Tool] Diakreion - Announcer / Ohlasovac

Postby Aeternitas » Tue Jul 02, 2019 9:52 pm

I announce hereby
the version 6.1.0. Kambrium of Diakreion,
the Scripting / Modding / Player's tool.


[New in v6.1.0, Kambrium] - Jul 2, 2019 A.D. - Aeternitas

- 1) TeX to PDF improved.
= (Improved algorithm, checking for duplicity, custom settings and more.)
- x) Bug fixes.
and more.
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Re: [Tool] Diakreion - Announcer / Ohlasovac

Postby Aeternitas » Sun Sep 08, 2019 12:51 pm

I announce hereby
the version 6.2.0. Ordovik of Diakreion,
the Scripting / Modding / Player's tool.


[New in v6.2.0, Ordovik] - Sep 8, 2019 A.D. - Aeternitas

- 1) TeX to PDF duplicity check improved.
- x) Bug fixes.
and more.
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