[Tool] Diakreion - Announcer / Ohlasovac

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Re: [Tool] Diakreion - Announcer / Ohlasovac

Postby Aeternitas » Tue Jan 29, 2013 6:53 pm

Jeste doplnim k nove vlastnosti:

Kdyz zadate seznam jmen NPC a navolite si ruzne vlastnosti, tak Diakreion postavy vytvori, k nim i rutiny, jejich rozlozeni, da postavam veci, tvare, obleceni, no proste vse, a rovnez jim vytvori soubor, kde postavu vlozi a taky soubor dialogu, kde vlozi ukoncovaci dialog. Dela proste uplne vse, na co si vzpomenete. I priradi waypointy. Tak behem dvou sekund jste schopni udelat 900 plnohodnotnych NPC. 8-)
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Re: [Tool] Diakreion - Announcer / Ohlasovac

Postby Aeternitas » Thu Jan 31, 2013 7:57 pm

I announce the version 1.8 of Diakreion, the Scripting tool.

New: Bug fixes and minor changes and updates.
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Re: [Tool] Diakreion - Announcer / Ohlasovac

Postby Aeternitas » Fri Feb 15, 2013 4:45 pm

I announce the version 1.9 of Diakreion, the Scripting tool.

New: Lot of changes. (Important!!!)

I added lot of new things and edited the old ones.

- New intelligent npc redistribution over wps and routines
- Overworked npc generation to the high level
- Lot of changes in save folder of the program

and more.
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Re: [Tool] Diakreion - Announcer / Ohlasovac

Postby Aeternitas » Sat Feb 16, 2013 7:32 pm

I announce the version 2.0 of Diakreion, the Scripting tool.

New: Lot of changes. (Important!!!)

I redesigned the program, added help buttons, changed a lot, and more.
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Re: [Tool] Diakreion - Announcer / Ohlasovac

Postby Aeternitas » Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:37 pm

I uploaded the pre-release versions of Diakreion, the Scripting tool.

Contains: v0.01, v0.02, ... , 0.17 (with exception of v0.14).

Important: Some versions are 64bit, some 32bit.

Warning: The pre-released versions might be buggy.

Download: Download the pack of pre-released versions on the standard Diakreion download page (you need to go to the older download section at the bottom of the page. The older versions are implicitely hidden, but you can uncover them while clicking on Show / Hide older downloads).
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Re: [Tool] Diakreion - Announcer / Ohlasovac

Postby Aeternitas » Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:40 pm

I announce the version 2.1 of Diakreion, the Scripting tool.

New: Lot of changes, new loading procedure, some items creation, bug fixes. (Important!!!)

In this version I added several types of item creation. I plan to do more in the next (v2.2 or higher) release.

I am still looking for someone who might help me to make help for Diakreion. If you are interested then let me know.
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Re: [Tool] Diakreion - Announcer / Ohlasovac

Postby Aeternitas » Sat Mar 02, 2013 11:02 am

I announce hereby the version 2.2 of Diakreion,
the Scripting tool.


- lot of changes,
- maximizing on start - optional,
- loading procedure changed (I added some features to it),
- bug fixes (very important for XP users),
- left panel scroll (I prepared place for future features),
- tab organizer (you have many files opened - like me 49 - so from now you can move through them very quickly),

and more.

I am still looking for someone who might help me to make help for Diakreion. If you are interested then let me know.
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Re: [Tool] Diakreion - Announcer / Ohlasovac

Postby Aeternitas » Thu Mar 14, 2013 9:49 pm

I announce hereby the version 2.3 Dreguroxus of Diakreion,
the Scripting tool.


- lot of changes,
- loading procedure changed (I added more features to it),
- bug fixes,
- items creator updated,

and more.

Beware the items creator. It's still not finished and there are some objects, which seem to be finished but they are not. So be carefull while creating items :-).

I am still looking for someone who might help me to make help for Diakreion. If you are interested then let me know.
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Re: [Tool] Diakreion - Announcer / Ohlasovac

Postby Aeternitas » Fri Aug 09, 2013 11:17 am

I announce hereby
the version 2.4 Aegypticus of Diakreion,
the Scripting tool.


- Database of keywords, constants, objects reached cca 5900,

and more.

Beware the items creator. It's still not finished and there are some objects, which seem to be finished but they are not. So be carefull while creating items :-).
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Re: [Tool] Diakreion - Announcer / Ohlasovac

Postby Aeternitas » Tue Aug 13, 2013 12:32 am

I announce hereby
the version 2.5 Splendensis of Diakreion,
the Scripting tool.


- Database of keywords, constants, objects reached over 5950,
- I implemented new search-description system (more info below)

and more.

Beware the items creator. It's still not finished and there are some objects, which seem to be finished but they are not. So be careful while creating items :-).

The new search-description system:
- If you type F1 in the text, the actual word is selected from a given database and the help is brought on the lower panel with an exact description. This database must be created first. Click Rescan to find the Scripts folder of Gothic 2 and Diakreion will look for all constants, variables, functions, classes, prototypes and instances. Click on the Definition button or the object label to get to the place of definition of the object (or put F3).

- If you want to create descriptions for the objects, type F2 and fill in the edit for a given object. Then click on Save. The Erase button is for erasing the actual description from the database.

This is very important and useful update and I recommend to update the program immediately. The re-scanning for objects might take several minutes or ten of minutes on slower machines, but it's very handy for modern programming methods.
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