[Tool] Diakreion - Announcer / Ohlasovac

Forum of creators of modifications of all the Gothics

Re: [Tool] Diakreion - Announcer / Ohlasovac

Postby Aeternitas » Thu Sep 19, 2019 8:59 pm

I announce hereby
the version 6.3.0. Silur of Diakreion,
the Scripting / Modding / Player's tool.


[New in v6.3.0, Silur] - Sep 19, 2019 A.D. - Aeternitas

- 1) Diakreion compiled with Lazarus 2.0.4, FPC 3.0.4.
- 2) Gothic 3 in advanced settings.
- 3) Gothic Music Player v1.5.0 Baskervilles, compiled with Lazarus 2.0.4, FPC 3.0.4.
- 4) Diakreion 7z compiled with Lazarus 2.0.4, FPC 3.0.4.
- 5) 7za.dll replaced with newest version.
- 6) Exe files of all Diakreion applications smaller.

= (I erased the debug info from all the exe files.)
- 7) New specialities sin x -> sin(x) and sin(x) -> sin x.
= (concerns not only function 'sin', but also 'cos', 'tg', 'cotg', and all their
'arc'-versions, and also 'ln'.)

- 8) New specialities concerning latex brackets.
- 9) Diakreion Updater.

= (Diakreion Updater will on demand download the latest version of Diakreion and
replace the installed version with new one. There is no write into registry,
just copying and replacing of files. You can choose which edition of Diakreion
you want to install. You cannot do updates of Diakreion while Diakreion is running.)

- 10) Match bracket foreground/background color.
- x) Bug fixes.
and more.
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Re: [Tool] Diakreion - Announcer / Ohlasovac

Postby Aeternitas » Sun Jul 26, 2020 8:34 pm

I announce hereby
the version 6.4.0. Devon of Diakreion,
the Scripting / Modding / Player's tool.


[New in v6.4.0, Devon] - Jul 26, 2020 A.D. - Aeternitas

- 1) Link to main Gothic folders in TreeView.
- 2) Images on pages colored in respect to active Gothic.
= (Images are grey for external files and colored for internal files of active
- 3) Save and Save all button added to the bottom line.
- 4) Switching to Spacer deactivates the script parsing if enabled.
- 5) Save implicitly as ANSI if enabled in settings menu.
- 6) Diakreion VDFS reader updated.

= (Added listview, select / deselect all, find. You can work in both,
treeview and listview, or separetaly. The extract works only on treeview.
The find works in two modes, select new or add to selections.)
- 7) Links to G3 and G3 FG music folders added into advanced settings.
- 8) Diakreion Gothic Music Player updated to 1.6 Herculaneum
- 9) DGMP plays now music of Gothic 1, 2, 3 and 3 FG, of both Arcanias, and all Risens.

= (Music of G3 and G3FG must be depakked, e.g. by using G3PAKWorker -
- https://www.worldofgothic.de/dl/download_346.htm, music of Risens musts be
depakked, e.g. by Risen 3 Resource Manager
- https://forum.worldofplayers.de/forum/t ... ce-Manager
and also decompiled, e.g. by using Risen _XSND to MP3 converter
- https://forum.worldofplayers.de/forum/t ... ile-format.
I did not test the other games, but it will be similar. DGMP can play
SGT, OGG, MP3 and WAV sound files. SGT files and the other formats are played
differently, so the volume may not match for all songs. All paths have to be
set in Diakreion, the main application.)
- 10) DGMP has now Go to folder button, usable on the just playsning file.
- x) Bug fixes.
and more.

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Re: [Tool] Diakreion - Announcer / Ohlasovac

Postby Aeternitas » Thu Aug 13, 2020 8:22 pm

I announce hereby
the version 6.5.0. Karbon of Diakreion,
the Scripting / Modding / Player's tool.


[New in v6.5.0, Karbon] - Aug 13, 2020 A.D. - Aeternitas

- 1) Gothic Toolbar for the fast start of game and Spacer
= (Supports up to three mods of Gothic and Gothic 2. The starting buttons show themselves
only when the mods are present. Last Gothic path sets Gothic 1 or 2 paths to previous
setting. It can be used for fast switching between two Gothics.)

- 2) Spacer always without parsing can be enabled in settings.
- 3) Gothic bar simplified can be enabled in settings.

= (Gothic bar without Spacer and parsing.)
- 4) Gothic Language Tool
= (New tool I created to give better possibilities for translations of mods. This
tool creates interface between the mod and the language of the mod. How to do it?
First make copy of the scripts. I tested the algorithm, but for sure.
Second choose files you want to work with, e.g. all menu files, open them in Diakreion.
Then check All opened files, if you will not check it, it will work on just active file.
Then click on Create constants. The changed files will not be
automatically saved. You must (!!!) also by hand save the output constants of the
algorithm. The output must be parsed before all files. You have even more possibilities.
Erase constants will clear the constants and repair the scripts. The algorithm is able to
read from the constants, which files are to be affected You do not want
to do that, but I gave this possibility if you do. Buttons >>> and <<< will export or import texts
from the constants for maybe google translations. Name, text and description define
on what type of scripts you want to work. Remove doubles will join all same strings into one constant.
The algorithm should work on menu files, on items, on npcs and maybe more.
It will not work on books or any writings. You cannot apply it on dialogs.
If you create the language interface, the mod developers can continue with the mod and
still the translation will work. You can also simplify the translation.
If there are already constants presents in the transformed files, they will not be affected.
Such constants should be moved by hand. Algorithm works only on D-files.

- 5) I added styles and created darker design of MOB catalogue.
- 6) Diakreion Gothic Music Player updated to 1.7 Apophis

= (Needed bugfix for G2 music. I also colored labels of names of games. Green for present,
white for not present music folder. Plus design changes.)

- 7) Color panels in Advanced Settings next to each combobox.
= (red - directory does not exist, green - directory exits)
- 8) Compiled with Lazarus 2.0.10, FPC 3.2.0.
- 9) Create NPCs routines redesigned.
- 10) New speciality - Rearrange routines in selection.

= (Select all routines of the npc including void spaces. Then proceed by right click
of mouse and select the speciality.)

- 11) New vobbilder design and online
= (For some time the classical vobbilder stopped working. I was able to set it to
work only as online version. I also redesigned it and make it more dark.
I translated it into several languages and joined it to Diakreion,
http://darkforests.info/other/vobbilder ... log_en.htm)

- x) Bug fixes.
and more.

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Re: [Tool] Diakreion - Announcer / Ohlasovac

Postby Aeternitas » Sun Dec 20, 2020 9:04 pm

I announce hereby
the version 6.6.0. Perm of Diakreion,
the Scripting / Modding / Player's tool.


[New in v6.6.0, Perm] - Dec 20, 2020 A.D. - Aeternitas

- Bug fixes.
and more.
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