I announce hereby
the version 6.3.0. Silur of Diakreion,
the Scripting / Modding / Player's tool.
[New in v6.3.0, Silur] - Sep 19, 2019 A.D. - Aeternitas
- 1) Diakreion compiled with Lazarus 2.0.4, FPC 3.0.4.
- 2) Gothic 3 in advanced settings.
- 3) Gothic Music Player v1.5.0 Baskervilles, compiled with Lazarus 2.0.4, FPC 3.0.4.
- 4) Diakreion 7z compiled with Lazarus 2.0.4, FPC 3.0.4.
- 5) 7za.dll replaced with newest version.
- 6) Exe files of all Diakreion applications smaller.
= (I erased the debug info from all the exe files.)
- 7) New specialities sin x -> sin(x) and sin(x) -> sin x.
= (concerns not only function 'sin', but also 'cos', 'tg', 'cotg', and all their
'arc'-versions, and also 'ln'.)
- 8) New specialities concerning latex brackets.
- 9) Diakreion Updater.
= (Diakreion Updater will on demand download the latest version of Diakreion and
replace the installed version with new one. There is no write into registry,
just copying and replacing of files. You can choose which edition of Diakreion
you want to install. You cannot do updates of Diakreion while Diakreion is running.)
- 10) Match bracket foreground/background color.
- x) Bug fixes.
and more.