Easter eggs from Skyrim.

The Fifth Part of the Elder Scrolls

Easter eggs from Skyrim.

Postby Mahoney » Thu Sep 27, 2012 10:43 pm

Discussion of easter eggs in Skyrim. Did you find any egg? :)
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Re: Easter eggs from Skyrim.

Postby Mopidu » Sat Oct 13, 2012 11:22 am

Jo, našla jsem mrtvolu Luka Skywalkera :D Byla to kostra pověšená v ledové jeskyni za strop hlavou dolů, kousek od ruky byl meč na který nedošáhl a byl tam Frost Troll :D ve filmu to je akorát ňáká sněhová vobluda a Luke přežil :)
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Re: Easter eggs from Skyrim.

Postby Whirt » Tue Oct 16, 2012 11:45 am

The same thing that Mopidu talking about is even in Morrowind.
But Skyrim is full of tiny Easter Eggs - I came across a lot of Easter Eggs about the Arthurian legends.
-The hand in a lake holding sword.
-The Lady stone in a middle of lake.
But there are even references to a films.
-To a Monty Pythons Life of Brian - sometimes enemies shout "It's just a flesh wound!". That sentence uses Black knight, when Arthur chopped off his hand.
-At night you can come across the Headless Horseman - that's reference to a The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
And at last, there is a book called "Kolb & the Dragon: An Adventure for Nord Boys" - choose your own adventure.
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Re: Easter eggs from Skyrim.

Postby Mopidu » Tue Oct 16, 2012 2:57 pm

Don't forget the Saber cat with an axe in a head :D
Headless Horseman is so epic, but there is no quest with him and he is totaly useless, but I like him, when he across Dragon Bridge I every time follow him just for fun :D
There is also iced mamooth, with axe in a leg and some arrows on a back, poor little mamooth :D
and that book... ...I hate it, I can't win that stupid thing, every time I was killed by Thalmor :D
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